Get To Know David Kendrick:
Owner Of Lion Speaking Agency
I'm honored to speak throughout the region about the terrible toll post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental illness exacts on millions of veterans. In my case, it was a sniper attack in 2007 that left my legs shot to ribbons, my military career over, and my life in shambles. Little did I know, my biggest challenge lay ahead -- transitioning to civilian life.
After hitting bottom, becoming homeless, besieged by nightmares, paranoia, survivor's guilt, alcoholism, and utter hopelessness -- suicide became a viable solution. Thankfully, I received the help I needed to reclaim my life, earn a master's degree, and embarked on a meaningful speaking career.
Today, I share my harrowing story before veteran's groups, corporations, colleges, healthcare organizations, and military bases. It's my life's mission to advocate for those suffering in silence, feeling stigmatized, or who cannot help themselves. Veterans need to know, they're NOT alone...It's NOT their fault... And where to get HELP.
I would be proud to speak at your upcoming event. For scheduling or more information, please go to booking and send me a message!

Cavalry, A Memoir
Book By David Kendrick
I wrote a book about my time in the military. Unlike other military stories, this story focuses on my deployment and how it impacted my family and friends. I was in Iraq during what New York Times has documented as "The Bloodiest Year of The War". Cavalry takes you into my life as a 17-year-old civilian, then a 19-year-old deployed in Iraq, to a 20-year-old Purple Heart Recipient. Cavalry is unique because there aren't any books/movies about the military from an African American perspective.
Speaking Topics
With a strong portfolio of varied speaking engagements, Lion Speaking Agency could be the perfect fit for what you’re looking for. Read below to learn more about what they have to offer.
I have had the honor of hearing David Kendrick speak at the 9/11 event with Warriors Alliance. Mr. Kendrick not only spoke about his story and battle with mental health but he also advocates for the mental health by providing other Veterans resources and a safe space to receive help.
-Abrielle Davis